New York in December: A Trip Worth Remembering!
New York is one of my favorite places. Especially in December! This trip has been on my calendar for weeks. We come every year and each time it is so magical.
Well.....this year is a little different. Night #1...Craig gets the stomach bug. 😳 I know. I know. The stomach bug in New York. 😩 I feel horrible because I had the bug 5 days ago. We thought he was free and clear. Not so much! As often as we come, it was bound to happen. Right?!? I want to just brag on my sweet hubby for a while... Now before you put us in a place we don’t belong, I want you to know that we are a total normal couple. We get irritable when we are sick and /or tired. We are not perfect. is what I know. Craig leads with steadfastness!! He is unmovable (unbendable almost) when things don’t go as expected. He has taught me to relax and smell the roses. I have learned to adopted his “no big deal” attitude. I have learned to go with the flow...don’t have too many agendas because you never know what might come up. Enjoy wherever you are. Now, that is easy for me to say as I sit here at a Barnes and Noble sipping my tea while Craig is passed out in bed. But really. In most situations he is sure and steady. I guarantee Craig is not thinking, “this is a wasted trip.” (Ok maybe this very moment he is, but when the stomach bug fog lifts he won’t 😬). Old Kerry would have totally wrote this trip off. I grew up in a “see I told you so” environment. I have even been in relationships where I would have been blamed for the stomach bug. 😂 But not Craig. If I even hinted that I felt responsible for him getting sick he would say, “now that’s silly. You didn’t go out seeking to get the stomach bug. It just happened.” And that’s what I love about him. His ability to see things for what they are. And I am learning to follow his lead. My quiet time verse today was, “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. But resist him, stand firm in your faith..” (1 Peter 5:8) The Enemy works hard to keep our eyes on our busyness and our own agendas. He wants our desire for instant gratification to derail us. But God’s agenda is to set us free. So stand firm in what you know. And learn to be grounded in truth. Truth will set you free. To have a sober mind means to be sensible, sane, logical...🤔 Hmmmmm. This, my friends, is what I am learning to become. In every situation and circumstance I come across I want to learn to be of sober mind. Grounded in truth. Trusting the Lord! 🙌 Truth: This is not a wasted trip. It’s totally one worth remembering! So today I chose to adventure, to be courageous and explore New York on my own. I mean if Macaulay Culkin can do it, I can too! Questions: Are you living as one who is free? Do you have a sober spirit?!