I have been studying the book of Daniel lately. LOVE IT! I forgot how many great stories there are in this book!! The one thing that jumped out at me was one simple statement...
"But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile himself..." Daniel 1:8
Other translations say "resolved no to", or "determined that he would not."
Daniel made up his mind, purposed in his heart, determined that he would NOT partake of what the King was serving up!
What about you...and me?! Are we accepting what the devil is serving us?!? He might be serving you a big serving of "you're ugly" or "you're fat." Have you feasted on the lie that "you're dumb" this week?! Or what about snacking on the ever so clever lie that "you're in control" which leaves you spiraling downward because you can't seem to make sense of this world?
It is time for us to decide - to make up our mind, determine in our heart who we are going to listen to. Are you going to listen to the accusatory voice of Satan that brings DEATH. Or are you going to listen to the sweet voice of God which brings LIFE?!?