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This is a community dedicated to helping you grow as a disciple and make disciples. Join forces with women who have a heart to reach the world for Christ one story at a time.

A space where a band of like-minded women who desire to reclaim the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ can gather to live authentically and encourage one another to embrace their story and live bold and courageous lives for Christ.
Join like-minded women who have a heart to reclaim the priority of discipleship as God's method to changing the world one heart at a time!
This is for anyone actively discipling women or who would like to start sharing their life with another younger woman. This is for old and young, newbie or veteran, all women from all backgrounds.
Let's encourage one another as we strive to reproduce the faith!
To become a part of the community, you will need to set up a membership account.
Discipleship Mastermind is for women who are looking for....
✓ input and advice on all things relating to discipleship.
✓ a place to brainstorm collaborate with other women who are actively discipling.
✓ share their experience and hear others experiences with discipleship.
✓ prayer support and encouragement in your ministry endeavors.
✓ strategies to help you flourish in your area of influence.
✓ resources to equip you for discipleship.
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